Wellstar Paulding Hospital

Wellstar Paulding Hospital view from the road.

The Challenge

Wellstar Health Systems is a major hospital and health clinic company in the Atlanta area who Valentino & Associates has partnered with since 1998. Wellstar has been using Valentino & Associates Land Surveyors for most of their property acquisitions, development and re-development of their existing medical buildings, hospitals, health parks and support facilities. During the past 25 years, we have provided over one hundred and forty individual surveys encompassing over twenty-five individual properties. The requirements for this particular job were to provide a tree, topo, and underground utility survey. Our challenge was to get this work done and keep our long-term client happy despite being short-staffed at that particular time.

Wellstar Paulding Hospital main entrance at night.

The Solution

We accomplished our goal by using our advanced survey technology along with a little over-time, and completed the job in the set time-frame. For the topographic survey we used our drone equipped with LIDAR. For the tree and underground utility locations we used our GPS and base to collect the information promptly.

The Outcome

Our 30 years of experience, dedicated staff, and modern technology enabled us tocomplete this project quickly and leave the customer satisfied.

Services Provided